Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Everything New

Here I sit in Issaquah WA, completely exhausted after having pursued God all the way across the country. Chelsea and I are beyond excited to finally settle in and rest in what his plan is for bringing us here. After having no home for the entire summer and traveling far from family and friends- we are looking very forward to settling down and meeting the new family and entering into the new community that God has called us to here.
Everything is new- the climate, the family, the community. There is going to be a lot that needs happening and doing in the next few weeks alone.  Chelsea and I still need to find a place of our own, and track down jobs. However despite all this chaos- I am at total peace. I guess this is what “peace that passes all understanding” feels like. This is a peace that comes only from God- that no matter how much uncertainty lies ahead of us we are more than confident to lay the course of our lives down in the hands of God. Not because we are good people- but because when we were the worst people, God still Loved us and willingly took the punishment that we deserved on himself. So it is God who is at work in us to produce this incredible peace and confidence that is far beyond anything we are capable of on our own.
Currently we are staying with the Dean family. I will be apprenticing under Paul Dean- A Pastor, Teacher, Church Planter at Soma Issaquah. This is only the beginning of a journey of learning from an incredible group of leaders who are filled with the same spirit of God that dwells in everyone who believes in and accepts Jesus. I have seen the evidences of God at work in and through them to make disciples, live as Christ’s body, and restore their city. I truly cannot put into words Chelsea and I’s excitement at being here to serve and to learn. 
The trip here was breathtaking as we visited Mount Rushmore, Big Horn, Yellowstone, and drove through so many beautiful states. We were extremely blessed to have Brian and Melanie (my in laws) come and help us make the trip, as well as our Grandparent’s van- which they allowed us to borrow for the move. Thanks to our amazing Core Support Team Chelsea and I were able to make the move without going into debt- and God willing we will be able to keep it that way as we continue to make this transition. 
I have so much more that I would love to write- there are a million things going on in my head right now, yet my brain feels like a lemon with all the juice squeezed out of it, or a motorcycle with it’s tire’s spinning in the mud. We just arrived this afternoon, and after adding unloading to 5 days of driving- I think It’s time I go to bed. Looking forward to writing again soon when the fog of travel has lifted.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"On The Verge"

What If I told you that the church as we know it in America was slowly (but surely) dying. What if I told you that the church as we know it in Europe was virtually dead in the water already and that the same disease was spreading to the United States?
              What if I then told you that the church in India and China were at the same time growing exponentially- for example the Chinese church is estimated to have grown from 2 million to 120 million in the past 60 years. The craziest part is that those numbers aren’t new, the church has seen this kind of explosive growth. Namely during the years following Jesus’ resurrection as his apostles spread the gospel throughout the Roman empire and beyond. So what happened to the church? Why are we seeing decline in the states- while the church is flourishing in nations that oppress Christianity and force Jesus followers to meet underground.         
            Well, to begin to understand think about this- we know that church is not a building or a place we go to but it is who we are as followers of Jesus… yet despite our knowledge of this we don’t live like we really believe it. Even the language we use such as “going to church” or “getting married at the church” or “the Presbyterian church on the corner” etc etc shows what we really believe. So we believe that "we are the church" aesthetically on a surfacy cosmetic level, but we have not let it permeate to the core of who we are as God’s people. Unfortunately however, what we have allowed to permeate who we are is an institutional understanding of our identity. So let’s break this down a bit to make sense of it.
             Jesus tore the curtain in the temple and told us that our bodies are the new temple of his spirit. He gave to all who would believe in him gifts as different parts of the body of Christ- so that we together could live our lives on a mission- the mission to spread the gospel (good news) of Jesus. Thus he gave to us a priesthood of all believers, where we no longer needed professional clergy to sacrifice and do ministry for us...Why? because Jesus played the intermediary priestly role once and for all. Jesus sends his apostles (sent ones) to spread his gospel. So what you have at the start is a missional ( the mission to proclaim/show the whole world that “Jesus is Lord”), apostolic (sent ones), people movement (grassroots person to person). This is what the church looked like at the start when it initially exploded, and also what it currently looks like in China and India. So then what happened in Europe/the U.S.?
         To make a long story short,it goes all the way back to when the emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and from that day forward Christianity received a privileged position in society- the grassroots people movement was turned into a political power structure and given big fancy buildings and lots of money and influence. Eventually the church in Europe refused to admit that the church is not meant to function as an institution and died an institutions death for it. Now we are facing the same situation here in America, if we cling to the old ways that we have added on to God’s original intent for the church we will also die an institutions death. OR, we can find new life as the grassroots missional apostolic people movement we were meant to be.
         But how? What will this look like for the church in America? Well believe it or not there are already some Jesus movements in the US that have begun to take root- these movements are growing exponentially and reaching the more than 50% of people who would have never stepped foot in an institutional “church building”. This is incredible stuff! So what does it look like to make the shift from being an inwardly focusing institutional structure to reclaiming our God given identity as a Jesus movement sent out to all the world? This is the part where I point you in the direction of my most recent read – a book called “On the Verge” by Alan Hirsch and Dave Ferguson. This honestly is one of the best books on the topic of the future of the church that I have read to date- it goes beyond theory and actually lays out practical examples of people that are doing it (and admittedly it is where I got the majority of the material for this post). Because the truth is, God is moving and we are in fact "on the verge" of a major movement of the church! Check it out and tell me what you think, also if you have any questions or thoughts about this post or the book if you've gotten to read it let me know!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Death and Pain (reflections on my Dad's recent passing)

Try to exclude the possibility of suffering which the order of nature and the existence of free-wills involve, and you find that you have excluded life itself. – C.S. Lewis

The greatest tragedy is not suffering in itself, but a response in which we succumb to it and become the thing we hate. Thus we perpetuate suffering by our own hands rather than forming a united front against it. The fact is that when bad things happen (or in the midst of so much bad) we have a choice- we give in to the darkness and become the thing we hate, or we stand in the face of it. We stand holding high a banner of love and hope in the face of overwhelming odds. As a Tsunami wall of blackness comes crushing down over us proclaiming “join or die” we spit in it’s eye and boldly, confidently dare to live in such a way that is the opposite of what hurt us. We dare to proclaim truth in the face of the greatest lie.

This kind of courage and bravery would seem futile in the face of death and pain mainly because, as one Mumford and Sons song points out “death is just so full and man so small”. We all feel the fear of death and pain, and there was a time when death had the final word, but that time is over- Because God himself endured death through his son, whom he raised from the dead victor over death. We no longer have to be afraid, because God himself has gone before us and defeated our greatest enemy. The only stupidly simple thing we have to do is take him at his word and the historical evidence of his sons resurrection from the dead and put our faith in him. Once we do this, something that was important to Jesus(God’s son whom I keep referring to) was baptism, so we do that too- baptism is basically the act of dunking a persons whole body underwater and then bringing them back up... We believe that the old people we used to be are actually buried under the water and we come up a whole new person that will live forever because of Jesus. We have God’s guarantee of this because he puts his own spirit in us from this point on, so that we can be sure we’ll never be the same old dead selves again. Have you accepted God’s salvation for mankind? His victory over death? Because in case you were wondering, it is only because of Jesus that we are able to stand gloriously stubborn in the face of death and pain.

I write this in light of my Dad and lifelong best friend Randy Moskaluk having died on Memorial day just 11 short days ago. Have you chosen to put your faith in Jesus and what he’s done for you? My Dad did, and do you know what one of the first things that happened to me on the day of his death was? That spirit of God I mentioned ealrier that he puts in us when we start our new lives with him (aka the Holy Spirit) filled me with overwhelming peace that my Dad was ok, that my Dad was in God’s arms that very moment. Do you have that? Do your kids have that? I’ve heard it said “I wish I could have faith like you but I can’t”- but I want you to see the reality is that there is no bigger copout than that, because you can. It’s like jumping off a cliff- it’s not about your ability, how much faith you are capable of producing, it’s about abandon. It’s about jumping off of the cliff of your insecurities and your having to be in control of everything and finally discovering what you’ve been looking for all along- that you were caught in the arms of your creator the moment your foot left the ledge.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Writing is a doorway

It's been awhile since I've been on here to write. Not just on here, it's been awhile since I've written at all other than some final papers for school. I've had alot of thoughts bottled up inside lately and they've been scratching to get out. I guess all this to say that I finally realized that writing is a door- it's a door that lets all my garbage out, and the occasional good thoughts to be heard. I realize this is a very basic thought... but only recently did I realize that I actually need to write- all the stuff swirling around in my head is starting to drive me a little nuts so you can plan on seeing more from me in the weeks and months to come (if for no other reason than the sake of my sanity).

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Crap detectors and corporate meanies

So I’ve been thinking for myself a lot lately, something I didn’t used to do. I was probably afraid to because of people like the guy who spoke at Johnson (my current college) this morning and told us all that we didn’t really believe in Jesus if we didn’t interpret Genesis properly... and by properly he meant his way. I’m gonna go ahead and admit that I don’t completely agree with his interpretation of Genesis-but I definitely know Jesus. It’s kind of scary when we create a culture around church that is about just nodding along with the preacher. A bunch of people clapped after he said that and I wondered if they really meant it, I couldn’t decide. It’s ok though, if it were even a year ago i probably would have clapped too.

There are a lot things that scare us in to not thinking. This week at ‘anonymous franchise restaurant’ (I’ll call it that so I don’t get sued or something) aka my new place of employment, there is somewhat of a corporate reckoning happening. All of the big wigs are going from store to store and scaring all the little guys whilst making up excuses to fire them along the way. Last week the managers at our location called a mandatory meeting during which they handed out booklets and checklists- informing us that while corporate is here (this week) we would be required to serve them and pass a test on the new material. One mistake would mean termination. So while the big dogs are visiting for the week all of us servers are going to have to run around with our tails tucked between our legs. And honestly, I’ve met one of these guys. Do you know what happened? I walked up to him and shook his hand with a smile on my face and said “Hi my name’s Keifer good to meet you.” Awkward silence, accompanied by a hard stare and tight lips “Shouldn’t you be working?” No Mr. Corporate guy you should be working... ON YOUR PEOPLE SKILLS! I mean what’s the deal seriously? I can guarantee you that he didn’t get to this position by being rude to people, so what happened? It’s obvious to me that there is some element of fear involved.

And if you haven’t made the connection yet I’m also talking about the speaker this morning ex-cetera ex-cetera. There is a major element of fear, and I’m not talking about the fear people like mr. corporate meanie and the speaker inflicts on other people, but the fear they themselves are trying to hide. The fear that they will lose the power that they have over other people. The fear that if they show they are human, or allow for a two (or more) sided conversation they could possibly be wrong.

You know, I think It’s OK to be wrong, sometimes it’s better than ok, sometimes it’s healthy- and even freeing. The religious leaders of Jesus day were wrong about all the rules that they had made, a lot of the religious leaders of our day are wrong for the same reason. It turns out that they missed the simple truths of God because they had to have things their way. When Paul (this guy who used to be a Jewish religious leader) realized he was missing the point, and let himself be wrong- he became a free man! Because he acknowledged that he was wrong he was given the freedom to really live. Has it been awhile since you’ve been wrong? You should try it, you might experience some of that same freedom that Paul did when he was blinded by the light of truth on that dusty road. If you don’t ever think you’re wrong, what are you so afraid of anyway?

I had a professor tell me that my “crap detectors are way up”... that I’m good at detecting crap or inauthenticity. I guess that’s true. It’s especially good because I have plenty of my own crap to detect (I think I may have just crossed some sort of analogy line). At this point I’m just hoping it doesn’t get me into trouble at my place of employment this week. I’ll go ahead and promise a blog if I get fired for refusing to be treated as sub-human by some guy whose afraid of not being perceived as powerful. But enough of that. Getting to the heart of the matter, I hope that we who are Jesus followers can learn to be wrong sometimes. I have a feeling that when we can do this our eyes will be reopened to the simple truths of Jesus rather than trying to get things our own way. I hope that we can discover that when we let go of our own desperate attempts at power and control, we can be filled instead with the power of the God whose “strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).