Here I sit in Issaquah WA, completely exhausted after having pursued God all the way across the country. Chelsea and I are beyond excited to finally settle in and rest in what his plan is for bringing us here. After having no home for the entire summer and traveling far from family and friends- we are looking very forward to settling down and meeting the new family and entering into the new community that God has called us to here.
Everything is new- the climate, the family, the community. There is going to be a lot that needs happening and doing in the next few weeks alone. Chelsea and I still need to find a place of our own, and track down jobs. However despite all this chaos- I am at total peace. I guess this is what “peace that passes all understanding” feels like. This is a peace that comes only from God- that no matter how much uncertainty lies ahead of us we are more than confident to lay the course of our lives down in the hands of God. Not because we are good people- but because when we were the worst people, God still Loved us and willingly took the punishment that we deserved on himself. So it is God who is at work in us to produce this incredible peace and confidence that is far beyond anything we are capable of on our own.
Currently we are staying with the Dean family. I will be apprenticing under Paul Dean- A Pastor, Teacher, Church Planter at Soma Issaquah. This is only the beginning of a journey of learning from an incredible group of leaders who are filled with the same spirit of God that dwells in everyone who believes in and accepts Jesus. I have seen the evidences of God at work in and through them to make disciples, live as Christ’s body, and restore their city. I truly cannot put into words Chelsea and I’s excitement at being here to serve and to learn.
The trip here was breathtaking as we visited Mount Rushmore, Big Horn, Yellowstone, and drove through so many beautiful states. We were extremely blessed to have Brian and Melanie (my in laws) come and help us make the trip, as well as our Grandparent’s van- which they allowed us to borrow for the move. Thanks to our amazing Core Support Team Chelsea and I were able to make the move without going into debt- and God willing we will be able to keep it that way as we continue to make this transition.
I have so much more that I would love to write- there are a million things going on in my head right now, yet my brain feels like a lemon with all the juice squeezed out of it, or a motorcycle with it’s tire’s spinning in the mud. We just arrived this afternoon, and after adding unloading to 5 days of driving- I think It’s time I go to bed. Looking forward to writing again soon when the fog of travel has lifted.
Thank you Keifer for your witness. And thank you Lord God for your mercy and love!